With high speed and quality to view, edit, convert, print and save images and PDF files using, VintaSoftImaging.NET SDK.
This standalone application, that has been designed keeping in view the user end has the potential to return fast quality work. This easy-to-use imaging library for .NET and WPF gives you the ability to view, edit, convert, print, and save images and PDF files. The amazing application supports features to: work with multipage TIFF and animated GIF files, view images in scrollable image viewer with magnifier and zoom, and thumbnails in multi-threaded thumbnail viewer; ability to capture images from web camera, options to treat images to despeckle, deskew, border clear and removal, blank page detection, binarization, segmentation, rotation, mirror, crop, invert, color conversion, resize, and much more.
VintaSoftImaging.NET SDK, supports image file formats: BMP, CR2, CRW, DNG, EMF, GIF, animated GIF, Icon, JBIG2, JPEG, JPEG2000, and so on.